Pastor McDermott


Through the Life Source Ministry Network, we have been able to spread the hope and freedom of the good news of Jesus Christ to countries all over the globe by planting churches, providing humanitarian aid, and preaching the Gospel to local communities.

See Our Missions Projects

World Street Outreach
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Fresh Water
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Church Planting
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Prayer Center
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Refugee Crisis
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Hope & Freedom Center
Life Source Church

WSO is a worldwide evangelism ministry based at Life Source. It was founded by Joe Correlli who started his passion for evangelism on the streets of Baltimore, MD. Today WSO has outreaches in various countries of the world winning approximately 125,000 people monthly to the Lord. WSO also ministers to tens of thousands of prisoners in Africa, the Kibera Slums in Kenya, the children and families in child slave labor brickyards in Pakistan and is on the ground when natural disasters strike different parts of the world.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) website approximately 2 billion people worldwide drink contaminated water. Undrinkable water contributes to an estimated 500,000 deaths annually. This is entirely preventable.
Life Source is committed yearly to building water wells to give impoverished communities access to fresh drinking water. We are currently focused on three areas of the world: Central America, South America and Ethiopia, Africa.

Statistics tell us that one of the most effective ways to reach lost people is through new church plants. We are committed at Life Source to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by sending people out from our congregation to plant churches. We are also involved in church planting in Europe and Africa.

We have purchased land in Kenya, Africa and will be developing a Prayer/Retreat Center to be a place of refreshing and recharging for leaders in Africa.

Our outreaches and churches in Central and South America are thriving and there are new opportunities to expand Life Source into several South American countries that have engaged us in conversations. Church planting, fresh water wells, feeding programs, mission trips and leadership training are all a part of our vision to touch Latin America with the power of the gospel of the kingdom!

Life Source has always ministered in times of international crisis. The Syrian refugeee crisis in 2015 created a constant flow of over 1 million refugees from the Middle East into Europe. Life Source gave some of the first dollars to our partners in Europe to aid in humanitarian relief. Today there is another crisis created by the war in Ukraine. We are helping our partners in Poland with the overwhelming needs this conflict is creating.

Locally we are feeding the community monthly by supplying bags of groceries to anyone in need. Please connect to the Life Source Church website ( to find out times of distribution and how to get involved.


Do you want to contribute to these projects?

All of the above outreaches require enormous resources. If you are able to contribute please click on the giving button and specify what area of need you would like your tax-deductible donation to go to. 100% of what you give will go to that particular need in that part of the world. Thank you for your generosity.

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